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«Desenhar a Música» de José Garcês Print

«Desenhar a Música» (Drawing Music) by José Garcês

26 January  2006 - 26 March 2006


The exhibition was organised by CNBDI with the scientific support of the Music Museum, having as basis the original drawings of José Garcês, one of the most respected Portuguese authors of comic strips.

The originals of Garcês were integrated in the area of the permanent exhibition, showing the correspondence between the drawings and some of the instruments of the Museum collections. The drawings were made with Indian ink and were coloured by Garcês specifically for this exhibition, they  show some of the possible situations concerning the use of music in the 15th century. These are particularly  interesting registers, for they  recreate a set of ancient instruments, about which there are still many  doubts, discussions and theories.

Specific didactic activities were done during this exhibition in the Music Museum, the highlight goes to the guided tours carried out by José Garcês or to the activity performed by Proto - Associação Teatro Observatório.



Related publications

» Desenhar a Música
Amadora, Câmara Municipal / CNBDI, 2005


»  alt jose_garces_biografia_e_obra.pdf 160.87 Kb

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