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.:: Berimbau
Peça do Mês - Janeiro 2013 PDF Print E-mail
03 January 2013

We have chosen as piece of the month of January 2013 the Brazilian instrument, Berimbau, marking the ''Year of Portugal in Brazil and  Brazil in Portugal''(From September 2012 to June 2013). The choice of Berimbau meets the programme in Portugal, with an exhibition of different musical styles which represent the Brazilian reality. 


Berimbau MM 1353

Violoncello ''King of Portugal''
Peça do Mês - Dezembro 2012 PDF Print E-mail
11 December 2012

Marking Antonio Stradivari's death (Cremona, 18th December of 1737) possibly the best renowned musical builders, we have selected as piece of the month of December 2012 a model made by him - the violoncello ''King of Portugal'' (previously knowned as ''Violoncello Chevillard'') the only instrument with the builder's signature in Portugal.


Violoncelo MM 47

Peça do Mês - Novembro 2012 PDF Print E-mail
11 November 2012

In order to mark the Day of Saint Cecilia knowed as Patron Saint of Musicians since the end of the 15th century, we have selected as piece of the month an harp, one of the musical instruments related to the Saint. 


Harpa MM 207 porm

.:: «A Portuguesa»
Peça do Mês - Outubro 2012 PDF Print E-mail
11 October 2012

In the month in which it marks 105 years of Alfredo Keil's death as well as the 102th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic in Portugal, we have chosen three pieces related to ''A Portuguesa'' composed by Keil (music) and Henrique Lopes de Mendonça (poem).



A Portuguesa

Player Piano's Rolls <<Peer Gynt Op. 46>> by E. Grieg
Peça do Mês - Setembro 2012 PDF Print E-mail
14 September 2012

In a month which marks the 105 years of Edvard Grieg's death, we remember an important personality in the music world's history, giving a special highlight to the two rolls of the player piano with one of his most famous compositions, Peer Gynt. 


Rolos Pianola

João Domingos Bontempo's Portrait
Peça do Mês - Agosto 2012 PDF Print E-mail
09 August 2012

In a month which marks the 170 years of João Domingos Bomptempo's death, we remember a very important figure in the Portuguese music history giving a special highlight to his portrait.


Joao Domingos Bomtempo MM 1067

.:: Piano Boisselot et Fils
Peça do Mês - Julho 2012 PDF Print E-mail
23 July 2012

In a month which marks the anniversary of Franz Liszt's death and simultaneously celebrates the 18 years of the Museum's existence, we remember one of the most iconic pieces from the collection, the piano which Franz Liszt brought to Portugal and which documents the visit of this renowned composer to Lisbon in 1845. 


MM Piano Liszt MM 434

Peça do Mês - Junho 2012 PDF Print E-mail
12 June 2012

In a month which marks the 104th anniversary of Margot Dias' birthday, we have selected as Piece of The Month two musical instruments from Moçambique, an object of study from this ethnomusicologist. 


Lamelofones MM 397 e MM 1141

.:: «Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades» / «Ser solidário»
Peça do Mês - Maio 2012 PDF Print E-mail
16 May 2012

José Mário Branco is an important name to the Portuguese music and celebrates in May 2012 his 70th birthday. To mark this occasion, we remember not one, but two of the most important albuns from his discography, making urgent the memory of a musical work and fight of a Portuguese troubadour.


Jose Mario Branco Ser Solidario e Mudam-se os tempos

.:: Virginal Poligonal
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11 April 2012

In a month which celebrates Michel'angelo Lambertini's birthday (1862-1920) we present a virginal which is part of his collection developed in order to create a museum of musical instruments.


Virginal MM 394.jpg

Marcos Portugal's Lithography
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13 March 2012

In a month which celebrates the 250 years of Marcos Portugal's birthday (1762-1830) the Museum of Music remembers the great composer showing his most famous portrait. 


Marcos Portugal

Carnival in two documents
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06 February 2012

In the month of the Carnival, we have chosen as pieces of the month a panflet and a journal from the Museum's collection which documents this celebration at ''Sociedade Lisboeta'' in 1928 and 1960. 


MM-EA-Porm Revista Ilustracao 01

.:: Órgão Portativo
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05 January 2012

Still maintaining a strong Christmas spirit, we have chosen as piece of the month for January 2012 a portable organ in which it stands out an angel holding a wind instrument. Built by the forger Leopoldo Franciolini by the end of the 19th century, this instrument belonged to Alfredo Keil.


Orgao Portativo MM 392

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